Friday, January 12, 2007

At Least She's Not a Mommyblogger...

Jesus, it's hard to get back into the swing of things after our little reminds me of trying to get up the gumption to go back to school after winter break. I trust everyone's New Year's was better than mine and that you've all not totally given up on those resolutions...anyway, on to the review.

On deck is Risk Exile by Capricorn Cringe. Not sure if I get her name, other than the fact that she's a Capricorn, but hey, I'm sure it means something to her, and at least the title doesn't contain the word "ramblings." As to the content, well, hmm, what can I say? Meh. She writes well, and I don't hate it. I certainly can relate to what she's talking about, but, the posts are long and a little dry at times. I'm pretty ADD, and if you're gonna write 3 long ass posts, one of them better involve a funny story about how you shit your pants in Bloomingdales or some crazy ass sex story in order to keep my attention. But that's just my opinion. Also, she writes how she has a dry, dark sense of humor...funny, I'm not hearing any of that in her posts. Maybe it's just over my head? Maybe she has the holiday/birthday blues? Maybe she's funnier in her archives (this could be possible, but since you have to have a really, really great blog for me to actually delve into the archives, I guess I'll never find out)? I did chuckle at the "life begins at 40" one-liner, but other than that, I think she saves her humor for real life.

As for the template, another "meh." I'm not a green-hater like some reviewers, nor does this particular Blogger template make my asshole pucker, but it's just...blah. There's TONS of other templates you could use for your blog that may spice it up a little, but that's your perogative. Other than the blah template, she covers the basics of keeping a nice, neat sidebar. Everything's rolled up, there are no ads, and the buttons she does have are small and clustered so they're not all "in your face." The one thing I will bitch a little about is the "Creative Commons" thing. What is the point of it on a personal blog? I understand that the author is a writer and talked about some novel she was doing, but why would you need to copywrite your personal thoughts written on a blog from which you garner no money? It's not that I think she should get rid of it, but, c'mon, what the fuck?

Anyway, I give it for being well written and organized. As for the other issues? I'm not even going to go there because I just don't care enough.


  1. The title doesn't contain the word "ramblings" but you missed it in the sidebar under "recent ramblings." That's what happens when you get a reviewer who can't be bothered to look at an archive page.

    Yeah, I won't go there because I just don't care enough, either.

  2. Wow.

    Someone pissedin her wheates, huh?!

  3. I prefer piss in my Cheerios. It mixes so well with the honey-nut flavor.

  4. "Maybe it's just over my head?"

    Yup, a 100%

  5. What is it about you people who claim to be reviewers?


    I haven't seen a single original thought, sentence, or emotion come out of any of you.

    Why do you even bother?

    Because you can't actually write or think?

    You have nothing to add to the creative sparkle of the world so you muscle your way in trying to belong?


    If you are going to bother writing three paragraphs ABOUT something, you should know of what you are writing about. That would be the logical approach...

    As a reviewer of reviewers, I give you a 2 out of 10. You were crappy. Dull. Boring. Inconsequential. Immaterial. A waste of time and space...

    Your reviews absolutely suck, and you should find some other way of satisfying your urge to feel important.

    Like standing on an orange box in traffic, and waving your arms around...

  6. What is it about you people who claim to be reviewers?


    I haven't seen a single original thought, sentence, or emotion come out of any of you.

    Why do you even bother?

    Because you can't actually write or think?

    You have nothing to add to the creative sparkle of the world so you muscle your way in trying to belong?


    If you are going to bother writing three paragraphs ABOUT something, you should know of what you are writing about. That would be the logical approach...

    As a reviewer of reviewers, I give you a 2 out of 10. You were crappy. Dull. Boring. Inconsequential. Immaterial. A waste of time and space...

    Your reviews absolutely suck, and you should find some other way of satisfying your urge to feel important.

    Like standing on an orange box in traffic, and waving your arms around...

  7. What is it about you people who claim to be reviewers?


    I haven't seen a single original thought, sentence, or emotion come out of any of you.

    Why do you even bother?

    Because you can't actually write or think?

    You have nothing to add to the creative sparkle of the world so you muscle your way in trying to belong?


    If you are going to bother writing three paragraphs ABOUT something, you should know of what you are writing about. That would be the logical approach...

    As a reviewer of reviewers, I give you a 2 out of 10. You were crappy. Dull. Boring. Inconsequential. Immaterial. A waste of time and space...

    Your reviews absolutely suck, and you should find some other way of satisfying your urge to feel important.

    Like standing on an orange box in traffic, and waving your arms around...

  8. I think it's funny that the man telling us we lack any thought proceses is the same man who posted the same fucking comment three times in a row.

    We each have our own blogs, so we know what we like. We also don't force people to submit, they do so of their own accord and in full awareness of what types of reviews we do here. If they want to piss and moan about the review they got, be completely hypocritical about the fact that they rarely archive dive but expect us to so that we can find something we like, and/or throw a self pity party and throw a hissy fit because the person revieweing was just not that into it or impressed, then that's their perogative.

    So, if you want to accuse us of trying to belong I suggest you try and articulate what we are trying to belong to seeing as we provide a service that people sign up for, and we already belong in blog land with our own private blogs. Accordingly, I suggest you figure out some other way to belong to society other than posting the same comment three times which really says nothing worthwhile.

    As a reviewer of your review of our review, I give you a ball tap and a kick in the ass. Get some sort of perception, intelligence, and overall standing before you type out jibberish that has nothing to do with anything regarding a topic you have no room to open your mouth about. Also, try not to be so trigger happy on submission. I know it's awe inspiring when, in it's rarity, you think you're making a worthwhile and pity point, but remain calm.


  9. God, I love a pissed off reviewee. It's kind of humorous, in a way. Just glad I didn't do it this time.


Grow a pair.