Thursday, May 21, 2009

No reviewing here today. No reviewing here today.

Can you tell I've been watching Disney movies with my kids again?

Instead of a review, here are some great sites with blog designs (freebies) that I've found lately. Some of you should consider using them. Yes, that was a not-so-hinty-hint.

Dante Araujo - these are all new blogger (not classic blogger) and wordpress templates.

Deluxe Templates - great galllery of free templates, and some really creative fun stuff in this one.


Blog Bulk

How to design your own template (and some links to some great blogger galleries)



  1. I'm weirdly attached to my boring ass template. Thinking about changing it is giving me a slight panic attack. But that's what the Xanax is for. Thanks for the links, LB!

  2. Thanks for the list.

    Template downloads always create a sort of ethically grey area for me. I'm too picky to adore a template "as is", so at what point does the template stop being "theirs" and start being "mine"? For example, I started with Minima on my current template, but it looks NOTHING like that now, so should I be crediting the Minima person?

    Regardless, thanks for the new ideas and inspiration.

  3. What I need is a header with a row of barstools. And not those fancy shmancy ones, I want the wooden ones where one leg is shorter than the others and you're constantly rocking and twisting to get comfy. Straight up. Not crazy artsy angles and colors, just barstools. In a bar. Where people drink beer.

  4. I'm going to have to take up web design.

  5. I think mine might need to include a pumpkin muffin, horse, something violent and a mid-sized photo of Rassles all sideways on an uneven bar stool.

  6. I was under the impression that a dark background with light text was easy on the eyes till Calamity went all "hurr I keel you!" on me. I used a lot of geek knowhow to customize my new template although it doesn't show it. And photoshop for the header. Commitment! I like my template

  7. Rassles, I could help with the image...

  8. Sure. Help is good, and always appreciated.

    I think I'm just going to go take the picture myself, so I know I get what I want. Or maybe I should draw it...hmmm.

  9. I used to have a blank and white template and I got complaints every day.

    So now its all cheery and stuff. I did manage to secret a pic of pancho in a post. Its my FU to all the people that complained about my template.

  10. I'm into collages. They're fuckin awesome. You should take like 3 images and I can put 'em together in a size that fits your header.

    That sounds a little sleazy.

  11. Thanks for all the links. I'm going to have a look at them. I'm content with what I have but always searching for something I will like better. :D

  12. I have a weird addiction to templates. I hate changing my own, but I like making recommendations to other people of how they should change theirs.

  13. Foxie, I like the background, but I hate the green type on the black. Wicked hard to read.

  14. I wasn't sure what colours to use for the type. I don't like white on black. I also like making sure everything coordinates, I'm anal that way. I know the green is hard to read. I'll have to play around with the colours.

  15. Foxglove, I owe you amends girl. Sorry I was a dick to you here a few days ago.

  16. No worries. I tend to test people's patience sometimes. It's a subconscious habit, lol.

  17. Yeah, me too. But mine is conscious. How obnoxious, right?

  18. Being conscious of one's behaviour is great. Sometimes it's fun to use it in bad ways. I too am known to have this quality. It's one of my...more defined characteristics let's say. :D

    When you don't know people, you don't know their buttons. I think it's more obnoxious to push said buttons when you know what they are.

  19. I prefer the penetrating kind... :P

  20. BB, now I am happy again. This place turns me into a bi-polar vision seeking freak with violent tendencies. No, wait. That's all the drugs I did.

  21. LB - I can totally relate. I used to think I SHOULD bristle at being called a bitch. Now? It's on the verge of a compliment.

  22. There is totally nothing wrong with being called a bitch. I often smile and say thank you when I'm called one. That seems to piss people off even more, so I keep on smiling.

  23. Disney movies rock! For entertaining the chitlens that is. ;)

    Oh and more really cool template sites:

    Of course since most are copycats of each. Hence why I like to modify the shit out of each of my designs to make it my own.

  24. ANY color type on a black background just makes me scream and reminds me of too many fights with art directors. That's why I have the most basic template in existence. Every word is sacred!

  25. Lady: I think your blog looks amazing. That header image is sexy. I mean, really sexy. I kind of want to hump it.

  26. I admit I am in need of a good ramming. But that header image is still sexy.

  27. On a number of blogs that I have read, I prefer black text on a black background. Much easier to take them that way.

    As for blog headers, that Niagaran Pebbles is pretty hot. Not to name drop, but I happen to be best friends with the photographer.

  28. Pos--it IS hot. Was just telling husband tonight that I'd like to see the falls someday.

  29. Everything about POS is hot.

  30. Of course, you realize that I am blushing now, even though I completely agree with your assessment.

    Yes. I am that conflicted about my awesomeness.

  31. I'm INTJ as well.

  32. The only thing wrong with INTJs is their relative scarcity. Everything else? Perfection.


    But as an INTJ, I get why you might not see it that way.

  33. Pos....we may be the only two INTJs in the blogosphere...or, at least, the AAYSR blogosphere.

  34. Fuck you guys, and I've said this before: I'm a total ENFP. Or an ENTP. It's so hard to decide which one fits me better.

    OMG! (Um, by the way, my new favorite thing is to start everything with "OMG!" just to be obnoxious) Everyone must take the quiz and discuss their results.

    (Nerd alert.)

  35. Omg, dude, I'm an ENFP/ENTP, too. I'm like right in the middle on the F/T thing. That's so weird. Rassles is my online soulmate.

  36. This makes total sense, LB, because we are both saving the world. Duh.

  37. Actually, it does. Who would save the world if it was made up of INTJs?

  38. (my boyfriend would tell me that no one would require saving if everyone were INTJs...he may be right).

  39. If the world were made up of INTJ's, we'd all be Vulcan.

  40. Every time I take those things I get a different answer. I blame user error. Or multiple personalities.


Grow a pair.