Monday, January 24, 2011

The Future Looks Dark, Dank, and Dreary

Okay. This time it's going to work. This time I'm going to post a review schedule and it is going to go as planned. This time the preview post is not going to curse itself.

Pish Posh and Such

My Tumbling Thoughts to the World

Confessions of a Serial Insomniac

Good luck to the reviewees, because you're going to fucking need it. Oh, and Green Bay is bullshit. 


  1. Mongolian Girl1/24/2011 6:15 PM

    I am so jealous of whomever gets to review one of these. It is delicious.
    The rest? Bah. Crocks of shit.

  2. Curious if we're thinking alike, MG.

  3. Miss Missives1/24/2011 9:00 PM

    I like the doodle chick.

  4. Interesting, have you had an illustration blog submitted to Ask... before? I really liked that one and will blogroll it. Honestly, though, having peeked through the list, I have high hopes of being entertained by three reviews (even if I'm not entertained by three blogs).

  5. Not working, apparently.

  6. Also, screw Bears - My only regret is Cuntler didn't get his leg snapped in 2. Rodgers helped my win my fantasy league, so Packers FTW!

  7. Steelers fan here. Have hated Jay Cutler from the moment he entered the league. Needs too many diaper changes, but at least he never (allegedly) raped anyone.

  8. Mongolian Girl1/27/2011 5:03 PM

    I was a Packer fan for the one year I lived in Milwaukee. Mostly only because it got me properly laid. Don't ask.
    When I moved back to Missouri? I think I let my dogs use those cute little Packers teddy bears I had as chew toys. Can't remember now.

  9. Mongolian Girl1/27/2011 5:03 PM

    Oh, and Rassles?

  10. MG when did you live in MKE?


Grow a pair.